Tamara Howell


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  • What Should I Name My Practice?

Q: Should I use my own name or a made up name? Something meaningful and symbolic or "so and so Counselling Services"?

A: There are benefits to both choices and it's important to remember that we can always change our minds. Also, remember your company name, tax registration and domain url don't necessarily need to be the same.

Your company name will go on your invoices and official documentation. It will go on your business bank account and if you have expenses and need invoices issues, you'll need to give your registered business name.

This might be as simple as registering with HMRC as a sole trader, but it could be registering with Companies House as a limited company or the local equivalent wherever you are based. Consult with a tax consultant or accountant if you are not sure what status your business should be.

Your professional liability and employers liability insurance [if you need it] will have your business name attached as well.

You can often use a "trading as" name in many places, and use different names for different projects or products. *Check with someone who is qualified like a lawyer or tax consultant before making decisions that may have legal implications.


My first website domain was tamarahowellcounselling.com and my business name was Tamara Howell Counselling. I moved to France and most of my clients were American so I had to buy tamarahowellcounseling.com as well, because it looked like I had a typo with the double "l" in counselling.

When I overhauled and remade my website a few years later, I bought tamaramhowell.com because my middle initial is important to me, but someone told me that would hurt my SEO and I should have just tamarahowell.com so I bought that too.

I am a domain hoarder. I think I pay for about 15 at this point because I also went through various changes with privatepracticepaperwork.com and practicewithtamara.com. I have internationaltherapypractice.com and therabundle.com and I even have therapybestpractices.com. I know it looks bananas, and I don't encourage everyone to buy a domain for every aspect of their business but I very intentionally split my therapeutic clinical business from my coaching/training/online digital business side. They are two separate businesses, with two separate tax registrations and two different audiences.

If you plan to do everything under one umbrella, it makes sense to have one website and one name that encompasses all activities, but remember you can buy more than one domain and redirect them to each other.


Search engine optimisation is a reason that people often consider adding counselling, therapy, psychotherapy, psychology, wellbeing into their business name and domain name. You can also add it into the website description, footer and header so it's an option not a necessity.

*I'm not a SEO expert, but generally speaking, I have found most people find my website through a directory or direct referral rather than through Google so it's not a major factor in how I choose my business names.

In my experience, adding a location is more effective, but that limits your travel opportunities and online expansion. eg I would assume Guildfordtherapyservices.com is in Guildford. If you serve a particular community or provide a specific type of therapy, that may be useful to include, but again that limits your expansion and for me wouldn't work because I'm all about evolving and variety. Something that says exactly what it is could be effective though eg bristolemdrcentre.com, newcastlechildrentherapy.com, brainspottingforpregnancy.com

Caveat - let's say you want to do therapy with children and buy therapywithchildren.com and I send you a referral for an adolescent or young adult. Is that domain name going to connect them with you or deter them?


If you are the brand or identity of the business, for example with a sole practitioner in private practice, it makes sense to me to name the business your own name and have your name as the domain. Even if you add more projects, if they are aligned with your therapy experience and audience, it makes sense to operate under one business name and domain name.

Many therapists don't use their own name because we think it looks more professional or legitimate to be called Inner Peace Counselling Services. I felt like I needed Counselling in my domain to show that FOR REAL I AM A THERAPIST.

I was afraid to add my photo or use my name as the front of my business when I started Private Practice Paperwork, because I didn't want the attention, and I thought my paperwork would sell better without a person attached to it, and I didn't feel like a business owner. It felt like I was being presumptuous and ego-driven to have my name and photo on things. 

I guess you can see that I got over that :), slowly, as I realised that the only way people can trust us is by seeing and knowing us.


If you plan on adding associates, extra projects to different audiences, expanding into a group practice maybe, and eventually selling the business, you may want to create some distance so the business isn't solely associated with you.


  1. You can always change your mind
  2. You can always buy another domain
  3. Your official business name only needs to go on invoices and your website footer/privacy policy
  4. Try it on for size
  5. Remind yourself that it will evolve, just as your business will

Try to make your decision in a space of inspiration and alignment. Look at your Mission Vision Values work. Dedicate time to designing your own logos for fun with your name and other ideas. Try it on for size and pick what works best for you right now.

And always buy your own name just in case, for the future, as a backup and just so it's yours.

PS Check Companies House [or your local equivalent] and the Trademark register to make sure your chosen name isn't taken and registered by someone else already.

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