I am a therapist in private practice, course creator, paperwork geek, workshop leader, membership coach, bundle host and mastermind facilitator.

And if you are a neurodivergent therapist looking for help getting your business ducks in row, I might be your duck herder.

the practice pod

A blend of group and 1:1 coaching

International Therapy Practice

Grab my checklist and Q&A download answering questions about working with clients abroad.

✔️Licence Regulations

✔️Liability Insurance

✔️Safety Preparation

✔️Privacy Requirements

✔️Cultural Considerations


This free course takes you through the whole Psychology Today profile step by step with examples from my own and other profiles to give you tips on what to include and what to avoid.

We start with prompts, niche guidance and find our magic words. We then write our personal statement using my 9 question formula and finish with all the check boxes and supporting sections.

Private Practice Paperwork

Saving you hours of research, giving you peace of mind

Therapists often find me when setting up private practice and can’t face the 30 or 40… or even 50 hours on reading, researching and formatting private practice policies.

They want to make sure their i's are dotted and t's are crossed.

Luckily, I love paperwork. No, really! I'm a policies and procedures geek with a professional background in insurance and compliance.

I did the work for you, so you can focus on being in session with your clients.

about tamara

Through The Practice Pod, Facebook Group, newsletters and standard-setting Private Practice Paperwork templates, thousands of therapists (literally thousands of people have taken my courses!) have found clarity, confidence and a new way of looking at their business.

My philosophy is that by moving away from overthinking and into systematic action with systemic support frameworks, even the newest therapists can avoid burnout and Imposter Syndrome... and instead craft a private practice that fulfils your professional soul.


My passion for paperwork stems from my career as a Lloyds broker... it wasn't the right industry for me for many reasons, but my time working in that world instilled a systematic and focused approach to compliance procedures and documentation.

When I reopened my practice after maternity leave, I overhauled my policies. I streamlined procedures, used online scheduling and billing, and I read 500+ pages of ethical guidelines. I wanted to ensure my practice was highly professional, and I wanted to provide clients with a safe and smooth entry into the world of therapy.

Once a few colleagues asked for copies, I thought I would get a lawyer to check them over, and recoup the costs afterwards by selling them. And so Private Practice Paperwork began, and now hundreds of therapists are out there providing ethical and professional paperwork to their clients in private practice!


If you haven't heard already, I love online therapy!

I used to really dislike it, and through a combination of professional support from my supervisor, experiential training and an incredible coach, I have grown to love it. It allows me to be the best therapist I can be, and provide excellent, consistent and focused therapy to my clients.

I have a full private pay practice and although I'm based in London, I work between several countries and with clients internationally, depending on local professional regulations of course!


What is your business identity animal?

plus mega info download with all the answers at the end!
